Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today was a wonderful long day and we did many family things. I let my husband sleep in but he tried to come down before we could bring him some coffee, knowing that we would be going out to breakfast with my mom and dad. The kids were excited to give daddy their gifts and we were out of the house with daddy wearing his "King Daddy" crown which he had many compliments on.

We did survive breakfast just fine, no big mishaps, though the redhead was a little whiny but not so much that we could not tolerate and Birdie did not want to eat much. But Babcia and Dzia-Dzia (Grandma and Grandpa) were pleased to be with us and though maybe my dad was not a memorable dad while I was a teenager for sure, he is making up that time while being so wonderful to my children! I love to see them get excited to see him and how he will take all of the time to play, and I mean all of the time. He teaches them new things and shows them interesting things and spends the whole time playing. I absolutely love it and they do too.

Then we went to Mo's Dog House to spend time with my husband's side of the family. It was a very nice time, but very chilly (10 degrees cooler at the lake) and windy too which makes me miserable because of my ears (another time) Brother in law and sister in law were there and very smooth overall. Birdie just wants me right now which can be a little frustrating but I want her too! As usual we tried to take turns eating etc, but I got a little grumpy with the wind and cold and wanted to leave soon. We did get to see Grandpa and give him the gift of the pic of the three kids, I can't believe that I had them smiling all at the same time! I love that pic!

So then we came home and I let the father take a nap while I played with Birdie, she liked to take every single last item out of my purse and thought it was so great. I have noticed that she likes adventure and is very curious, she does not like to be sitting long, unless it is on my lap when she is enjoying her bottle. I have made a change to have her sit with me rather than in her chair so that we can have some 1:1 time. I think she likes it too, she lets me and we have about 10 minutes together!

My oldest wanted his father tonight which was interesting because usually he likes to cuddle with me but maybe it was a father's day thing and I colored with the red head before bed and then actually got to clean my bathroom, I don't mean my toilets and shower, I mean the drawers and cupboards. I had a full garbage bag! I can't beleive how much junk I have/had!

Now I am tired and ready for the week though I did not get any work work done, wish me luck for a "no show!"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Where have I been

I know that I have been MIA, and I didn't want that to happen but such is life. Things are going well overall, busy and well. Here is a little summary, I passed my test, it is the end of the year for teachers and students ( I have both) and my daughter is walking if you can believe it for a 10 month old, she started about half a month ago and she thinks that she can run!

I began to realize that much of my intention for this blog really is for me to document my life, so that I have something to show and also memories for when my mind is not as sharp as it used to be. That might be interesting reading, maybe not, but good for us :)

Today was Red's last day of school (red is the nickname I had for 20 years from a neighbor and now I can give it to my youngest son!) I am tickled that he said today on the very last day "mommy I want to go to school!" All of the other days he gave me a hard time and cried when I left the room, hanging on to me like I was going to leave forever. Broke my heart every time.

I also went to Gegix's picnic today at school ( this is what red calls his older brother). I really smiled a whole lot, it was nice (though it was raining) and we (at least 60 students and their parents and siblings) were stuck in the 5th grade hallway on beach towels and about 85 degrees while I hung on to Birdie who wants to run and not sit still at all... Gegix did not want me to leave of course and got very tearful (which seems to be his usual affect these days)

Then back to work just a few patients and getting ready for the weekend, Father's day weekend, the one weekend that my husband can really milk it for all that it is worth! We'll see if my brother in law comes... Another time...

Well this is the update so far, Birdie is all over the place and the best part is, she screams in delight when I come home and it can't get any better than that!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trying to Figure This Out

The world of Blogging is so complex! And to add this to my plate? Wow! What was I thinking? Why do mom's do this, we start another project before finishing the other. Very typical of my life, I have so many things to do, tons of work, sitting in my bag waiting, waiting, and waiting to get done...

Just like the laundry! :)

What is on your plate this week?

Here is mine,
1. Taxes still!
2. Work (way behind on intakes-- I see patients)
3. The Jetta still needs an oil change, STILL
4. Laundry
5. Start studying for my credentialing test
6. Refinance my mortgage (rates are coming down right? Check the rates:
7. Decide what to bring to party this weekend
8. Buy gift for Godson (can't believe he is going to be 4!)
9. pay bills (this one is always on the list)

I really dislike having so many things to do, I wish that I had more time to play, now instead of doing my work (it is 10:00pm) I am blogging :)

Take care and have a good night!

Monday, March 16, 2009

So So Busy

I can't believe the pil eof stuff I have in front of me, and it is 8:41, all the kiddos in bed (long day) and this is the quiet time that I can sit down for a small drink (take the edge off?)

Here is an idea of what runs through my mind: imagine a hamster in a wheel, running and running like crazy, getting great exercise, but getting absolutely NOWHERE!!

I guess I can't dwell on that for too long...

Here is my list of things to do, in a pile right in front of me anyone have similar lists?

Pay my husband credit card, (he is not good about paying things on time) he does given an honest effot though, I just can't pay another $39 late fee!

Renew the family Zoo membership (within 3 times we have our money's worth and we try to go as much as we can!)

Put papers into the work bag

Take a look at a "good faith estimate" re: refinancing, we can't decide whether to wait a few more months to see if we can get a lower rate but $240 less a month over 28 years is a lot of money!

Decide if I am going to sign up for locally grown produce for the summer/early fall. We don't use all of the things that they grow and I am looking to split with another family. It's good to support local farmers and its organic!

Organize the binders for the new curriculum that my nanny is going to use with my son. We purchased it off of I think that it looks like good learning and good fun too! I can let you know how it goes, she will probably start sometime next week.

Oh yeah, that reminds me I have a new nanny starting this week, remind me to tell you all about the hell we went through to find a good person, it was quite scary too!

The list goes on and on: taxes, finding addresses, signing thank you notes, etc...

Hopefully I won't get too tired too soon, long day with the lovies (Andy and Birdie) but we got the play room cleaned up a bit!

Gotta do some work!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Help Me If You Can

Well, this is just like me, to take on a new project when there are so many other projects unfinished all ready. Why do I do that you ask? Not sure, it is exciting and thrilling at the same time I guess. It gives you a sense of of what life is like for me, starting new projects without finishing the old ones. The good news is, I will eventually finish the old ones, EVENTUALLY. Here are some of my unfinished projects: moving all of the old pictures that I have into new albums, setting up a preschool curriculum for my new nanny, organizing the play room, etc. etc...

Well you will learn that I function best with many things on my plate, I feel that I have been saying that since high school, it has becomes my mantra I guess.

Well this is a premise, I would like people to get to know me a little better and I hope that people can meet me on the same level at times. We as moms live some crazy lives, we are not only thinking about one thing at a time, we are balancing many things at the same time, we need more than two hands at a time, does anyone agree???

I am not sure how I can be helpful, but I want moms to know that we are indispensable, we cannot forget that and we cannot let anyone tell us any different.

So if you give me a chance, maybe we can learn from each other and be helpful to each other as I have found others to be helpful to me...

Wow, I can't believe I am actually doing this!

I realized that I was spending so much time reading other moms blogs that I decided that maybe it was time to develop my own blog. I don't know if anyone is interested, but sometimes I think that it would be so great if someone could spend a few minutes in my mind to see what life was like for me. I wear so many hats and as the blog states "My plate is always full." I have always functioned that way to be honest, but it makes for some crazy days and interesting times. So if you are ready for the ride, fasten your seat belts, here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!